PBS Pan­ics Over Dip in LGBTQ Sup­port As ‘Queers’ ‘Assert Their Rights’

PBS again went to bat for the “LGBTQ-Plus” war­riors on the PBS News Week­end Sun­day, lament­ing a slight dip in America’s gush­ing over the alpha­bet folks in “U.S. sup­port for LGBTQ+ rights is declin­ing after decades of sup­port. Here’s why.”
In the show intro­duc­tion, anchor John Yang fret­ted over “declin­ing sup­port for LGBTQ-plus rights, revers­ing years of increas­ing sup­port,” then cut to poll­ster Melis­sa Deck­mant to blame (who else?) Repub­li­cans: “And I think what‘s hap­pen­ing is that you see many Repub­li­can lead­ers and red states real­ly try­ing to amp up the vol­ume, so to speak, on LGBTQ rights, and real­ly try­ing to claw back some of those rights across the coun­try.”

Already the scene had been set — you know which side to take and who to boo and hiss at, cour­tesy of …