New tran­script describes Trump’s chill­ing response to chaos that unfold­ed on Jan. 6

New transcript describes Trump’s chilling response to chaos that unfolded on Jan. 6

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump report­ed­ly had lit­tle reac­tion to the report­ed vio­lence in the Capi­tol Build­ing on Jan. 6, 2021, accord­ing to tes­ti­mo­ny from one of the for­mer president’s valets.
The tran­script of tes­ti­mo­ny giv­en to the now-dis­solved House Jan. 6 com­mit­tee in 2022, obtained by the New York Times, was from an unnamed White House valet who was with Trump on that day. In the tran­script, the valet stat­ed Trump was told a civil­ian had been shot at the door of the House cham­ber via a note­card and did not show any reac­tion.
“I just remem­ber see­ing it in front of him. I don’t remem­ber how it got there or what­ev­er. But there was no, like, reac­tion. I mean, I couldn’t tell you how long that’s been sit­ting in front of him. But I do remem­ber see­ing that in front …