Biden’s Bor­der Pol­i­cy Is A Polit­i­cal Ad For Pres­i­dent Trump 

Biden’s Border Policy Is A Political Ad For President Trump 

Every day under Joe Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion is a polit­i­cal ad that’s cut for Don­ald Trump. The lat­est exam­ple comes cour­tesy of America’s south­ern bor­der.
The bor­der is basi­cal­ly wide open. There are no Bor­der Patrol agents where they should be. They’re all too busy pro­cess­ing ille­gal immi­grants and let­ting them into the coun­try.
On Thurs­day at the bor­der, there was a major con­fla­gra­tion when in Texas, about 300 ille­gal immi­grants decid­ed to storm one of the sec­tions of the Texas State Nation­al Park, …