Poll Shows Dem Sup­port For A Biden-Nego­ti­at­ed Israeli Peace Deal With Pales­tini­ans Not Guar­an­teed

Poll Shows Dem Support For A Biden-Negotiated Israeli Peace Deal With Palestinians Not Guaranteed

The Biden administration’s efforts to bro­ker a peace deal between Israel and the Pales­tin­ian Author­i­ty may not be in line with his Demo­c­ra­t­ic vot­er base, accord­ing to a poll con­duct­ed ear­li­er this month.
Though 73% of Democ­rats ini­tial­ly said they sup­port­ed a peace deal between the Jew­ish state and the Pales­tin­ian enti­ty rul­ing Arab areas of the West Bank, there was a dra­mat­ic shift when the respon­dent was told about the Pales­tin­ian Authority’s align­ment with Hamas, and the poten­tial inclu­sion o …