WH Responds To Footage Of Ille­gal Immi­grant Bor­der Charge, Blames Trump

Posted in Trump
WH Responds To Footage Of Illegal Immigrant Border Charge, Blames Trump

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has respond­ed to the viral video show­ing a large group of ille­gal immi­grants charg­ing Texas Nation­al Guard troops at the U.S. south­ern bor­der on Thurs­day, telling The Dai­ly Caller that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is to blame for the “chaos.”
Video cap­tured by The New York Post showed dozens of migrants over­run­ning Nation­al Guard troops who were sta­tioned at the bor­der in El Paso, Texas. The Post report­ed that around 600 migrants were ille­gal­ly try­ing to enter the U.S. when the group of what appeared to be all men broke through razor wire and began shov­ing the sol­diers.

This is the moment when TX Nation­al Guard became over­run by migrants riot­ing to get across the bor­der here in El Paso today