Biden signs $1.2 tril­lion bill fund­ing gov­ern­ment through fis­cal year

Biden signs .2 trillion bill funding government through fiscal year

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden signed the $1.2 tril­lion spend­ing bill hours after Con­gress sent the leg­is­la­tion to his desk, despite miss­ing a mid­night dead­line to avert a shut­down.
Biden sign­ing the bill into law means the gov­ern­ment is now fund­ed through the end of fis­cal 2024. Con­gress and the White House will have just over six months to agree to fund­ing for the next fis­cal year.
“The bipar­ti­san fund­ing bill I just signed keeps the gov­ern­ment open, invests in the Amer­i­can peo­ple, and strength­ens our econ­o­my and nation­al secu­ri­ty,” a White House state­ment read. “This agree­ment rep­re­sents a com­pro­mise, which means nei­ther side got every­thing it want­ed. But it rejects extreme cuts from House Repub …