AOC mocks James Carville after crit­i­cism of ‘preachy female’ Democ­rats

AOC mocks James Carville after criticism of ‘preachy female’ Democrats

Rep. Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez (D‑NY) and polit­i­cal strate­gist James Carville appear to strong­ly dis­agree over how to advance the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, with the New York­er con­gress­woman fir­ing back at Carville’s argu­ment that “the mes­sage is too fem­i­nine.”
Carville, 79, was asked by New York Times opin­ion colum­nist Mau­reen Dowd about the cul­ture of the par­ty and how it could be affect­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s sup­port among vot­ers, espe­cial­ly men. “A sus­pi­cion of mine is that there are too many preachy females,” he said.
“‘Don’t drink beer, don’t watch foot­ball, don’t eat ham­burg­ers, this is not good for you,’” he mocked. “The mes­sage is too fem­i­nine: ‘Every­thing you’re doing is destroy­ing the plan­et. You’ve got to eat your peas.’”
“If you lis­ten to Demo­c­ra­t­ic elites … the whole talk is about how women, and women of col­or, are going to decide this elec­tion. I’m like: ‘Well, 48 …