Biden-favored Penn­syl­va­nia coun­ties see pop­u­la­tion declines in lat­est warn­ing sign for pres­i­dent

Biden-favored Pennsylvania counties see population declines in latest warning sign for president

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cen­ters of sup­port in Penn­syl­va­nia expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant amounts of emi­gra­tion, jeop­ar­diz­ing his chances of win­ning the state in the 2024 elec­tion.
Biden won Penn­syl­va­nia by just 80,555 votes in 2020. Philadel­phia Coun­ty and Alleghe­ny Coun­ty, which includes Pitts­burgh, Pennsylvania’s sec­ond-largest city, were two of his biggest areas of sup­port that helped him over the top. Cen­sus data revealed that Philadel­phia Coun­ty expe­ri­enced some of the most sig­nif­i­cant emi­gra­tion in the coun­try, poten­tial­ly hurt­ing Biden’s elec­tion chances.

The sun illu­mi­nates the Philadel­phia sky­line as it sets in Philadel­phia, Penn­syl­va­nia, on Thurs­day, March 7, 2024. (Mon­i­ca Herndon/the Philadel­phia Inquir­er via AP)

“The biggest loss­es at the coun­ty lev­el were in Pitts­burgh and Alleghe­ny Coun­ty and Philadel­phia. And those are two of the big cen­ters of Biden’s sup­port,” Berwood Yost, direc­tor of Floyd Institute’s Cen­ter for Opin­ion Research at Franklin & …