Flori­da Democ­rats oust two coun­ty chairs in effort to shift state blue

Florida Democrats oust two county chairs in effort to shift state blue

The Flori­da Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty vot­ed to remove two coun­ty chairs on Sun­day as state Democ­rats strive to become a more com­pet­i­tive force in the Repub­li­can strong­hold. 
Fol­low­ing a sev­en-hour vir­tu­al meet­ing, the 120 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty lead­ers vot­ed to oust Mia­mi-Dade Coun­ty Chair­man Robert Demp­ster and Franklin Coun­ty Chair­woman Car­ol Barfield, Politi­co report­ed. Par­ty rules require a two-thirds vote to remove the chair of a coun­ty, allow­ing Palm Beach Coun­ty Chair­woman Mindy Koch to hold on to her posi­tion nar­row­ly after only receiv­ing 67 votes. The chairs are vol­un­teers who help reg­is­ter vot­ers and recruit donors. 
Par­ty lead­ers removed the chairs over accu­sa­tions of a string of vio­la­tions of the state party’s rules. Demp­ster was accused of hav­ing out­dat­ed mem­ber­ship lists …