Jill Biden com­pares restrict­ing sex­u­al­ly explic­it books in schools to Nazi Ger­many

Jill Biden compares restricting sexually explicit books in schools to Nazi Germany

First lady Jill Biden tout­ed the Biden administration’s work to help the LGBT com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing a keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign‘s fundrais­ing din­ner in Los Ange­les. She spent part of the speech mak­ing a his­tor­i­cal com­par­i­son between “book bans” and Nazi Ger­many dur­ing World War II.
“His­to­ry teach­es us that democ­ra­cies don’t dis­ap­pear overnight,” Biden said Sat­ur­day.

She added, “They dis­ap­pear slow­ly. Sub­tly. Silent­ly. A book ban. A court deci­sion. A ‘don’t say gay’ law. Before World War II, I’m told, Berlin was the cen­ter of LGBTQ cul­ture in Europe.”
“One group of peo­ple los­es their rights. And then anoth­er, and anoth­er. Until one morn­ing you wake up and you no longer live in a democ­ra­cy,” the first lady said.
Biden was ref­er­enc­ing the cen­sor­ship, book bans, and book burn­ing that were con­duct­ed in Nazi Ger­many and Aus­tria in the 1930s, liken­ing them to par­ents who fre­quent­ly attend­ed school board meet­ings start­ing in 2021 and expressed out­rage over explic­it and porno­graph­ic books appear­ing in school libraries or a c …