From abor­tion to trib­al dis­putes, Supreme Court weighs major cas­es this week

From abortion to tribal disputes, Supreme Court weighs major cases this week

The Supreme Court will hear argu­ments this week in sev­er­al high-stakes cas­es, includ­ing a dis­pute over trib­al health­care pro­grams and a land­mark hear­ing that could deter­mine the scope of access to the com­mon abor­tion pill.
The high­light of the week will be on Tues­day in a pair of con­sol­i­dat­ed cas­es against the Food and Drug Administration‘s actions over the abor­tion drug mifepri­s­tone, which in 2016 made changes to allow the pill to be more wide­ly acces­si­ble by online order or mail deliv­ery.

Box­es of the drug mifepri­s­tone sit on a shelf at the West Alaba­ma Women’s Cen­ter in Tuscaloosa, Alaba­ma, on March 16, 2022. (AP Photo/Allen G. Breed)

While the dis­pute does not deal with abor­tion laws specif­i­cal­ly, it marks anoth­er con­tentious case over the mat­ter less than two years since the high court ruled to over­turn Roe v. Wade and allow states to impose laws severe­ly restric …