Ted Cruz Blasts Biden Intel Office Over Diver­si­ty Newslet­ter: ‘Worse Than Sil­ly. It’s Dan­ger­ous’

Ted Cruz Blasts Biden Intel Office Over Diversity Newsletter: ‘Worse Than Silly. It’s Dangerous’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R‑TX) blast­ed the Biden administration’s top intel­li­gence office in response to a diver­si­ty newslet­ter it sent out instruct­ed intel­li­gence agents to avoid using “prob­lem­at­ic lan­guage” when dis­cussing Islam­ic ter­ror­ism and cel­e­brat­ing cross­dress­ing in its ranks.
““On one lev­el you say, ‘okay, this sort of lan­guage polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness stuff, it’s sil­ly’. But in this instance, it’s much worse than sil­ly. It is dan­ger­ous,” Cruz said on his pod­cast, ref­er­enc­ing a Dai­ly Wire inves­ti­ga­tion that revealed the con­tents of an offi­cial Office of the Direc­tor of Natio …