Trump’s Media Com­pa­ny To Go Pub­lic, Be Trad­ed Under ‘DJT’ On Stock Mar­ket

Trump’s Media Company To Go Public, Be Traded Under ‘DJT’ On Stock Market

Mem­bers of the pub­lic will be able to start pur­chas­ing shares of Don­ald Trump’s media com­pa­ny under the name “DJT” on Tues­day, giv­ing the for­mer pres­i­dent a major finan­cial boost as he faces a slew of court cas­es and con­tin­ues his 2024 White House cam­paign. 
The move comes after a merg­er was final­ized between Dig­i­tal World Acqui­si­tion (DWAC) and the Trump Media & Tech­nol­o­gy Group, the par­ent com­pa­ny of Truth Social. The merg­er report­ed­ly increas­es Trump’s net worth by over $4 bil­lion and land him on Bloomberg Bil­lion­aires Index for the 500 wealth­i­est peo­ple in the world. 
Shares of DWAC we …