What Bor­der Cri­sis? Tone-Deaf Paul Krug­man Sug­gests Immi­gra­tion Surge ‘Secret’ to US ‘Suc­cess’

What Border Crisis? Tone-Deaf Paul Krugman Suggests Immigration Surge ‘Secret’ to US ‘Success’

Some­how, New York Times eco­nom­ics pro­pa­gan­dist Paul Krug­man man­aged to one-up him­self on his real­ly bonkers Bide­nomics hot takes.
Mil­lions of ille­gal bor­der cross­ings? Human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis? No prob­lem, sug­gest­ed Krug­man in his March 19 piece, “Are Immi­grants the Secret to America’s Eco­nom­ic Suc­cess?” In his wild log­ic (if you even want to call it that), Krug­man blath­ered how sup­pos­ed­ly “the very surge in immi­gra­tion that has nativists so upset has played a big role in increas­ing the economy’s poten­tial.” Yes, he actu­al­ly wrote that. Nev­er mind the fact that for­eign born employ­ment is up at least 3.3 mil­lion above its pre-pan­dem­ic lev­els while native-born employ­ment is 1 mil­lion beneath its pre-pan­dem­ic lev­el. That’s appar­ent­ly a win in Krugman’s view. Not once does the word “bor­der” appear any­where in his ha …