Col­umn: Hyper­bol­ic MSNBC’s Ron­na McDaniel Deba­cle

<div>Column: Hyperbolic MSNBC's Ronna McDaniel Debacle</div>

The word broke on March 26 that NBC News was revers­ing its deci­sion to hire for­mer Repub­li­can Par­ty chair Ron­na McDaniel as a polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor. MSNBC hosts across the sched­ule broke out into fren­zied denun­ci­a­tions of whichev­er exec­u­tive who thought that McDaniel should be paid to speak any­where on this hypnotically/robotically anti-Trump net­work.
In one of her typ­i­cal half-hour jere­mi­ads, Rachel Mad­dow com­pared McDaniel to a mob­ster and a pick­pock­et. “You would­n’t — you would­n’t hire a wiseguy, you would­n’t hire a made man, like a mob­ster to work at a DA’s office, right? You would­n’t hire a pick­pock­et to work as a TSA screen­er. And so I find the deci­sion to put her on the pay­roll inex­plic­a­ble. And I hope they will reverse their deci­sion.”
There was no need for NBC News to hire McDaniel. One can look at the elec­tion results dur­ing her tenure at the RNC and ques­tion her exper­tise at wi …