Poll shows dra­mat­ic drop in Amer­i­can sup­port of Israel’s actions in Gaza

Poll shows dramatic drop in American support of Israel’s actions in Gaza

A major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans now oppose Israel‘s mil­i­tary actions in Gaza, accord­ing to a new Gallup poll that was released on Wednes­day.
The poll found that 55% of the coun­try dis­ap­proves of Israel’s mil­i­tary involve­ment in Gaza fol­low­ing Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The debate about the Israel-Hamas war has spread over the past few months on col­lege cam­pus­es and in Con­gress. The poll’s find­ings showed a new, sharp shift in pub­lic opin­ion.
Only 36% of the pub­lic approve of Israel’s mil­i­tary actions. Repub­li­can approval has dropped to 64%, which was pre­vi­ous­ly 71% in Novem­ber. Only 18% of Democ­rats approve of Israel’s actions, which is a large drop from 36% in Novem­ber.

New Gallup poll: “After nar­row­ly back­ing Israel’s mil­i­tary action in Gaza in Novem­ber, Amer­i­cans now oppose the cam­paign by a sol­id mar­gin. 55% cur­rent­ly dis­ap­prove of Israel’s actions, while 36% approve.”Since Nov, …