Swing state stum­ble: Trump’s revamped RNC is mov­ing slow­er than Biden in key con­tests

Swing state stumble: Trump’s revamped RNC is moving slower than Biden in key contests

Less than eight months away from the elec­tion and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s cam­paign does not have a field staff in place in Michi­gan, a key bat­tle­ground state. 
In addi­tion, Trump has not trans­ferred any mon­ey to the state to help bol­ster oper­a­tions. 
“We’ve got the skele­ton right now,” Michi­gan Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair­man Pete Hoek­stra said. “We’re going to have to put more meat on it.”
Despite the lack of funds, Hoek­stra, who had a pri­vate meet­ing with Trump, says he feels good with where they are.
“The Trump team is engaged,” Hoek­stra told the Asso­ci­at­ed Press.
In anoth­er bat­tle­ground state, Geor­gia GOP Chair­man Joshua McK­oon, who has met with RNC lead­er­ship, says there is no set time frame for the deploy­ment of addi­tion­al resources. 
“What wins elec­tions is hav­ing the staff neces …