MSNBC: One Man’s ‘Elec­tion Denier’ Is Anoth­er Man’s TV Host

MSNBC: One Man’s ‘Election Denier’ Is Another Man’s TV Host

MSNBC, the “news” out­fit on which the Rev. Al Sharp­ton has a show, briefly hired for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel, at $300,000 per year, to serve as an on-air pun­dit. Why did the rabid­ly anti-Trump, anti-Repub­li­can Sharp­ton make her the offer?
MSNBC like­ly did so because 2024 is an elec­tion year; McDaniel was avail­able, hav­ing been pres­sured into leav­ing her post by for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, the inside sto­ry of which MSNBC view­ers would sali­vate over; her ouster from the RNC sug­gests bad blood between her and Trump and there­fore, from MSNBC’s point of view, a wel­come will­ing­ness for a high-pro­file Repub­li­can to dish some anti-Trump dirt; or because McDaniel could bring a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive to MSNBC’s line­up of hosts and guests who unan­i­mous­ly par­rot the nar­ra­tive that Trump i …