NBC Hails Biden’s ‘Star-Stud­ded’ NYC Fundrais­er, Foot­notes Trump Hon­or­ing NYPD

NBC Hails Biden’s ‘Star-Studded’ NYC Fundraiser, Footnotes Trump Honoring NYPD

Hav­ing axed for­mer RNC Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel as a con­trib­u­tor, NBC’s Today returned Thurs­day to doing what the net­work does best: being fan­boys and girls for their lib­er­als. This time, they cheered Pres­i­dent Biden’s upcom­ing attempt “to re-ener­gize his re-elec­tion cam­paign with a star-stud­ded cam­paign event” at Radio City Music Hall with for­mer Pres­i­dents Clin­ton and Oba­ma, CBS’s Late Show host Stephen Col­bert, and celebri­ties such as Liz­zo and Queen Lat­i­fah.
“Radio City ral­ly. Pres­i­dent Biden look­ing to re-ener­gize his re-elec­tion cam­paign with a star-stud­ded cam­paign event tonight,” beamed co-host Hoda Kotb in a tease, adding “a new nation­al poll shows that Biden and Don­ald Trump are now locked in a dead heat.”
Accom­pa­nied by the chy­ron “Star-Stud­ded Biden Fundrais­er”, co-host Savan­nah Guthrie set-up senior White House cor­re­spon­dent Gabe Gutierrez’s piece by boast­ing Biden is “look­ing …