Pro­pos­al would have tax­pay­ers fund statewide, $1,000 month­ly ‘guar­an­teed income’

Proposal would have taxpayers fund statewide, ,000 monthly ‘guaranteed income’

(The Cen­ter Square) – A mea­sure cre­at­ing a task force to look into month­ly guar­an­teed tax­pay­er-fund­ed “unre­strict­ed cash” sub­si­dies to cer­tain indi­vid­u­als in Illi­nois is being dis­cussed in the state leg­is­la­ture.
An Illi­nois Sen­ate appro­pri­a­tions com­mit­tee Wednes­day heard about Sen­ate Bill 3462 from state Sen. Ram Vil­li­valam, D‑Chicago.
The bill as filed would cre­ate the Illi­nois Guar­an­teed Income Law and estab­lish a board with­in the Depart­ment of Human Ser­vices to eval­u­ate the effi­ca­cy of the pro­gram, pro­pose statewide poli­cies and pro­vide over­sight. The board would review “the land­scape of cash sup­ports avail­able to low-income res­i­dents” and iden­ti­fy “pop­u­la­tions with­out sig­nif­i­cant access to cash …