Tik­Tok puts vul­ner­a­ble Demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tors on the clock

TikTok puts vulnerable Democratic senators on the clock

Tik­Tok is launch­ing a cam­paign to tar­get sen­a­tors fac­ing tough elec­tion chal­lenges to try and save the pop­u­lar app from a House bill threat­en­ing its future in the Unit­ed States.
The $2.1 mil­lion ad buy will run in Neva­da, Mon­tana, Wis­con­sin, Penn­syl­va­nia, and Ohio. Democ­rats fight­ing to hold on to seats in those bat­tle­ground states are under moun­tains of pres­sure as Repub­li­cans believe they are on a glide path to retak­ing the upper cham­ber.
Sen. Tam­my Bald­win (D‑WI) is up for reelec­tion, and she has said she sup­ports the House’s attempt to restrict the app as a nation­al secu­ri­ty threat. She is up against GOP chal­lenger Eric Hov­de, a busi­ness­man, who has not made his stance on the app known.
Sen. Jacky Rosen (D‑NV) is neck and neck with chal­lenger Sam Brown. Polls …