Biden agency faces law­suit for ‘hid­ing’ records ask­ing Israel to stand down after Hamas attack

Biden agency faces lawsuit for ‘hiding’ records asking Israel to stand down after Hamas attack

EXCLUSIVE — The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is being accused in court of with­hold­ing inter­nal records per­tain­ing to a top Pales­tin­ian agency’s wide­ly mocked social media post last year that urged Israel not to retal­i­ate against Hamas, accord­ing to a com­plaint.
The State Depart­ment-housed Office of Pales­tin­ian Affairs came under wide­spread scruti­ny for ask­ing “all sides to refrain from vio­lence and retal­ia­to­ry attacks” in an X post as Hamas ter­ror­ists raped, mur­dered, and kid­napped Israelis in the Jew­ish state on Oct. 7. Now, a non­par­ti­san watch­dog is suing the State Depart­ment to unearth the OPA’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions sur­round­ing this post, as well as more infor­ma­tion about its orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture that the out­side group says is shield­ed from its web­site, the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er has learned.
“I’m sure the OPA would like to for­get tweet­ing that while the Israelis were still sort­ing through the ca …