FOID card num­bers are up as IL gun own­ers pre­pare to march on Spring­field

FOID card numbers are up as IL gun owners prepare to march on Springfield

(The Cen­ter Square) – The num­ber of Firearm Own­ers ID card hold­ers in Illi­nois is grow­ing. Many of them are plan­ning to march on Spring­field. 
Gun own­ers from across Illi­nois are mak­ing plans to vis­it Illi­nois’ capi­tol city April 18 to lob­by law­mak­ers against more gun con­trol. 
Illi­nois Gun Own­er Lob­by Day has been going on for years. It brings gun own­ers from across the state for a series of speech­es, a march through down­town Spring­field to the Illi­nois Stat …