Cruise lines move routes away from Bal­ti­more

Cruise lines move routes away from Baltimore

Cruise ships have been forced to move their depar­ture ports from Bal­ti­more due to the col­lapse of the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge ear­li­er this week after being hit by a car­go ship.
The Nor­we­gian Cruise Line has greyed out the “Bal­ti­more” option from its des­ti­na­tions on its web­site. Roy­al Caribbean doesn’t have anoth­er cruise leav­ing from Bal­ti­more until Novem­ber of this year. There were two cruis­es set to sail in April, but the ships will now leave out of Nor­folk, Vir­ginia.
Mean­while, Car­ni­val Cruise had sent out one of its ships before the col­lapse, which was due to return on Sun­day. Instead, the cruise will end its jour­ney in Nor­folk, and guests will receive a com­pli­men­ta­ry four-hour bus ride back to Bal­ti­more. The next cruise, slat­ed to leave that same day, will depart from Nor­folk, as will the fore­see­able cruise routes.
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