News­Busters Pod­cast: The ‘Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’ Aims to Squash ‘Spoil­ers’

<div>NewsBusters Podcast: The 'Democratic Party' Aims to Squash 'Spoilers'</div>

 The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty turns out to be a pret­ty fun­ny name, because they’re real­ly inter­est­ed this year in keep­ing every­one else off the bal­lot. Third-par­ty “spoil­ers” like RFK Jr. must be treat­ed by the media as a “threat” to democ­ra­cy, since democ­ra­cy and the Democ­rats are treat­ed as syn­ony­mous. 
Kennedy’s announce­ment of run­ning mate Nicole Shana­han — a lawyer and ex-wife of Google founder Sergey Brin — drew only brief notice on Tues­day night. PBS New­sHour offered 45 sec­onds, CBS 30 sec­onds, and NBC? Just eight sec­onds.  Alex Christy found Trump’s 2020 pri­ma­ry oppo­nents drew 115 TV inter­views on the lib­er­al net­works, but Biden’s 2024 pri­ma­ry oppo­nents drew only 25. While he ran as a Demo­c­rat, RFK Jr. had two.
Over on ABC’s The View, Nick Fon­dac­aro report­ed Joy Behar became unglued as she rant­ed about how “Some­body has to ask him: why are you doing th …