Biden fundrais­er: Six stand­out moments from star-stud­ded affair with Oba­ma and Clin­ton

Biden fundraiser: Six standout moments from star-studded affair with Obama and Clinton

NEW YORK — There was a nod to an inter­net meme and anoth­er to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s ten­den­cy to don avi­a­tor sun­glass­es, but those were not the only stand­out moments from the Biden campaign’s $26 mil­lion fundrais­er with for­mer Pres­i­dents Barack Oba­ma and Bill Clin­ton in the city’s icon­ic Radio City Music Hall.
Here is a list of the fundraiser’s most mem­o­rable one-lin­ers, com­piled by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, which was in the room:
Biden sends up Boe­ing
Stephen Col­bert: “All three of you have been on Air Force One. You still have the keys, Mr. Biden. That’s made by Boe­ing, right? Do those doors stay on? Before you get on, do you give Pete Buttigieg a sock­et wrench to tight­en the bolts?”
Biden: “I don’t sit by the door.”