Don Bacon says ‘it’s pos­si­ble’ that John­son could lose speak­er­ship over Ukraine aid

Don Bacon says ‘it’s possible’ that Johnson could lose speakership over Ukraine aid

Rep. Don Bacon (R‑NE) said it was “pos­si­ble” that House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) could lose his posi­tion over Ukraine aid. John­son has indi­cat­ed he plans to bring aid for Ukraine to the floor after the House’s two-week recess. How­ev­er, some House Repub­li­cans have remained staunch­ly opposed to pass­ing any kind of aid for Ukraine with­out fund­ing for bor­der secu­ri­ty as well.
When asked on NBC’s Meet the Press with Kris­ten Welk­er on Sun­day, Bacon said it was “pos­si­ble” John­son could lose his posi­tion over the issue.
“It’s pos­si­ble. I’m not going to deny it. We have one or two peo­ple that are not team play­ers,” Bacon said. 
“They’d rather enjoy the lime­light and social media. The fact is with a one-seat major­i­ty, and we’ll end up with a three- or four-seat major­i­ty with some spe­cial elec­tions, but that’s out of 435 peo­ple. It’s a very nar­row major­i­ty, and one or two peo­ple can make u …