Moscow Mas­sacre: Could It Hap­pen Here?

A mass shoot­ing at a con­cert hall in Moscow killed more than 130 peo­ple. With many oth­ers seri­ous­ly or grave­ly wound­ed the num­ber of dead is like­ly to rise.
The Islam­ic state released a state­ment claim­ing “cred­it” for the inci­dent. Eleven sus­pects have been arrest­ed. Ear­ly reports sug­gest­ed the U.S. Embassy in Moscow had advance warn­ing of the attack. The Dai­ly Mail report­ed White House Strate­gic Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Coor­di­na­tor John Kir­by said: “Right now we don’t know to what extent this warn­ing [from the US Embassy in ear­ly March] and this attack are relat­ed. But we had some con­cerns about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a ter­ror­ist attack in and around Moscow ear­li­er this month.”
The ques­tion that must be asked, as it has been sug­gest­ed for some time, due to our open south­ern bor­der, is this: Cou …