REGIME MEDIA: NBC’s Welk­er Dis­miss­es Trump Claims of Elec­tion Inter­fer­ence As False

In the wake of its Ron­na McDaniel fias­co, NBC News tries extra hard to prove just how “cohe­sive and aligned” they real­ly are. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this now means “cohe­sive and aligned” with the fringe ele­ments run­ning the show at MSNBC and, by exten­sion, the entire news oper­a­tion.
Watch this nugget from Kris­ten Welker’s open to Meet The Press, where­in she cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly dis­miss­es for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s claims of judi­cial elec­tion inter­fer­ence via mul­ti­ple state pros­e­cu­tions as false:

KRISTEN WELKER: And now Trump is assert­ing that none of the tri­als should, quote, “take place dur­ing my cam­paign”, false­ly call …