Biden to vis­it site of Bal­ti­more bridge col­lapse on Fri­day

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will vis­it Bal­ti­more on Fri­day, days after a bridge col­lapse that killed six peo­ple and dis­rupt­ed com­merce.
The Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge, which had car­ried four lanes of high­way traf­fic across the Pat­ap­sco Riv­er since 1977, col­lapsed on Tues­day after being struck by a 200 mil­lion-pound ship­ping barge.
The inci­dent prompt­ed the pres­i­dent to call for the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to pay for the “entire cost” of the bridge repair. A few days lat­er, he teased that he would make a trip to the city this week, a vis­it that press sec­re­tary Karine Jean-Pierre made offi­cial on Mon­day.
“Pres­i­dent Biden will trav­el to Bal­ti­more on Fri­day to vis­it the col­lapsed Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge,” Jean-Pierre said at the White House press brief­ing. “He will …