Bal­ti­more bridge col­lapse lat­est cri­sis push­ing Wes Moore to pres­sure Mary­land law­mak­ers

Baltimore bridge collapse latest crisis pushing Wes Moore to pressure Maryland lawmakers

With Gov. Wes Moore (D‑MD) cut­ting $3.3 bil­lion worth in infra­struc­ture projects last year due to infla­tion, and now deal­ing with a state assem­bly that is strug­gling to pass a bal­anced bud­get, cov­er­ing the costs of rebuild­ing the Fran­cis Scott Key Bridge and reestab­lish­ing ship­ping at the port is just anoth­er prob­lem for him. 
While Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment would pay for the rebuild­ing of the bridge, the mea­sure must first be approved by Con­gress, leav­ing every­thing up in the air. 
“There’s so much uncer­tain­ty ahead of us,” state Sen­ate Bud­get and Tax­a­tion Com­mit­tee Chair­man Guy Guz­zone told the Wash­ing­ton Post. “We need to be care­ful­ly look­ing at all these things before we go to the res­i­dents of Mary­land.”
Moore issued an exe­cut …