Michi­gan Sher­iff Push­es Back Against ‘Sanc­tu­ary Coun­ty’ Label After Ille­gal Immi­grant Charged With Mur­der

Michigan Sheriff Pushes Back Against ‘Sanctuary County’ Label After Illegal Immigrant Charged With Murder

Kent Coun­ty, Michi­gan, Sher­iff Michelle LaJoye-Young is attempt­ing to clar­i­fy her department’s pol­i­cy on hold­ing ille­gal immi­grants for Immi­gra­tion and Cus­toms Enforce­ment (ICE) after a mur­der alleged­ly com­mit­ted by an ille­gal immi­grant rocked the com­mu­ni­ty last month.
The Repub­li­can sher­iff sent mul­ti­ple let­ters to the Cen­ter for Immi­gra­tion Stud­ies (CIS) last week, ask­ing the think tank to remove Kent Coun­ty from its list of “sanc­tu­ary” cities, coun­ties, and states across the U.S. The let­ter — obtained by The Dai­ly Wire — attempt­ed to “clar­i­fy” the department’s “pol­i­cy rega …