Biden’s mag­ic num­ber: Anti-Joe vot­ers draw a line in the sand on protest move­ment

Biden’s magic number: Anti-Joe voters draw a line in the sand on protest movement

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s skep­ti­cal vot­ers have put a num­ber on what they think will be a suc­cess­ful protest vote in Wis­con­sin on Tues­day. 
The “unin­struct­ed” vote, inspired by Michigan’s “uncom­mit­ted” cam­paign, urges Wis­con­sin vot­ers to push Biden on his Israel pol­i­cy to help peo­ple liv­ing in Gaza. Wis­con­sinites will also vote on two GOP-backed ref­er­en­dums that would change elec­tion laws statewide.
“The mar­gins of our elec­tions are so incred­i­bly close — less than 1% in the last two pres­i­den­tial elec­tion cycles — so I think it would behoove the admin­is­tra­tion to pay atten­tion,” Reema Ahmad, the lead orga­niz­er of the “Lis­ten to Wis­con­sin” cam­paign, told the Guardian. 
Orga­nize …