Detran­si­tion­er Chloe Cole warns Dis­ney CEO Bob Iger that ‘law­suits are com­ing’

Detransitioner Chloe Cole warns Disney CEO Bob Iger that ‘lawsuits are coming’

Gen­der activist Chloe Cole warned Dis­ney about upcom­ing law­suits at its annu­al share­hold­er meet­ing on Wednes­day.
She pre­sent­ed the “Gen­der-Based Com­pen­sa­tion Gaps and Asso­ci­at­ed Risks” pro­pos­al that not­ed the Walt Dis­ney Company’s med­ical ben­e­fits for employ­ees cov­er gen­der dys­pho­ria tran­si­tion­ing but does not pro­vide med­ical care or insur­ance cov­er­age for those who desire to “detran­si­tion.” Her pro­pos­al calls out the company’s “inequities” in com­pen­sa­tion and ben­e­fits for employ­ees across gen­der cat­e­gories.
Cole post­ed a video of her com­ments on Wednes­day at the Dis­ney share­hold­er meet­ing dis­cussing the pro­pos­al.
“Just got off the phone from the Dis­ney annu­al share­hold­ers meet­ing,” Cole said in a social media post on X. “I need­ed to call out Bob Iger and the rest of the board’s hypocrisy and the dan­ger­ous lies they feed to us through the media.”

Just got off the phone from the @Disney annu­al share­hold­ers meeting.I need­ed to call out Bob Iger and the rest of the board’s hypocrisy and the da …