Food stamps: Mon­tana April SNAP pay­ments worth up to $1,751 to con­clude in three days

Food stamps: Montana April SNAP payments worth up to ,751 to conclude in three days

Montana’s Sup­ple­men­tal Nutri­tion Assis­tance Pro­gram will con­clude send­ing its April pay­ments, worth up to $1,751, on Sat­ur­day.
Begin­ning on the 2nd, SNAP pay­ments in Mon­tana are dis­trib­uted over five days every month. Recip­i­ents get their pay­ments on days accord­ing to their SNAP case num­ber, account num­ber, Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber, or last name.
April’s pay­ments will be dis­trib­uted from Tues­day to Sat­ur­day.
To qual­i­fy for SNAP pay­ments in Mon­tana, a sin­gle-per­son house­hold must have a net month­ly income under $1,215, and an eight-per­son house­hold must have a net month­ly income under $4,214.
SNAP ben­e­fits can be used at farm­ers mar­kets, gro­cery stores, and oth­er par­tic­i­pat­ing loca­tions. The pay­ments are auto­mat­i­cal­ly loaded on elec­tron­ic ben­e­fits trans­fer cards from April 2–6.
House­hold sizes deter­mine recip­i­ents’ SNAP pay­ment amounts. Sin­gle-per­son house­holds receive $291 per month, while eight-per­son house­holds receive up to $1,751 per month. In …