Montana’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program will conclude sending its April payments, worth up to $1,751, on Saturday.
Beginning on the 2nd, SNAP payments in Montana are distributed over five days every month. Recipients get their payments on days according to their SNAP case number, account number, Social Security number, or last name.
April’s payments will be distributed from Tuesday to Saturday.
To qualify for SNAP payments in Montana, a single-person household must have a net monthly income under $1,215, and an eight-person household must have a net monthly income under $4,214.
SNAP benefits can be used at farmers markets, grocery stores, and other participating locations. The payments are automatically loaded on electronic benefits transfer cards from April 2–6.
Household sizes determine recipients’ SNAP payment amounts. Single-person households receive $291 per month, while eight-person households receive up to $1,751 per month. In …