Trump’s swing-state advan­tage tight­ens in Wis­con­sin and Geor­gia: Poll

Trump’s swing-state advantage tightens in Wisconsin and Georgia: Poll

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump still holds leads over Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in most key swing states, but his mar­gins in two of those states have tight­ened.
A new Wall Street Jour­nal poll released Tues­day night shows Trump lead­ing Biden 44%-43% in Geor­gia, and the two men are tied at 46% in Wis­con­sin, in a head-to-head matchup.
In a six-per­son race, includ­ing inde­pen­dent can­di­dates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cor­nel West, lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date Lars Map­stead, and Green Par­ty can­di­date Jill Stein, Biden leads Trump in Wis­con­sin 41%-38%, while Trump leads Biden in Geor­gia 38%-35%.
The mar­gins in the two key states, which Trump won in 2016 and Biden won in 2020, have tight­ened in the polls com­piled by Real­Clear­Pol­i­tics for its polling aver­age. Polls in Wis­con­sin ear­li­er this year had shown Trump with a lead as big as 5 per­cent­age points over Biden, while polls in Geor­gia ear­li­er this year had shown him lead­ing by as much as 8 points. Trump still leads Biden in both polling aver …