DeSan­tis offi­cial stunned after bor­der vis­it: ‘Just so hor­ri­fy­ing’

DeSantis official stunned after border visit: ‘Just so horrifying’

One of Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R‑FL) top deputies said he left a vis­it to the Texas bor­der in dis­be­lief after see­ing the ille­gal immi­gra­tion and drug smug­gling crises with his own eyes.
Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer Jim­my Patro­n­is, a Cab­i­net mem­ber in the DeSan­tis admin­is­tra­tion who over­sees finances for the deploy­ment of state mil­i­tary and law enforce­ment per­son­nel to the bor­der, described being stunned by how brazen­ly Mex­i­can car­tel smug­glers moved immi­grants and drugs.
“One of the things that was … just so hor­ri­fy­ing to me was the num­bers when it came to human traf­fick­ing …