‘Lit­er­al­ly Any­body Else’ And Oth­er Long-Shot Can­di­dates Still Run­ning For Pres­i­dent

‘Literally Anybody Else’ And Other Long-Shot Candidates Still Running For President

When vot­ers head to the polls in Texas this Novem­ber, there is a small chance they will find “Lit­er­al­ly Any­body Else” list­ed on the bal­lot under­neath Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Fun­ny as they may be to some, the option would not be a fluke. In fact, North Texas man Dustin Ebey legal­ly changed his name ear­li­er this year to Lit­er­al­ly Any­body Else so peo­ple have an eye-catch­ing alter­na­tive.
“I real­ly want there to be an out­let for folks like me who are just so fed up with this con­stant pow­er grab between two par­ties that has no ben­e­fit for the com­mon per­son,” Else said, accord­ing to local ABC affil­i­ate WFAA.
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Else, a 7th grade math teacher and Army vet­er­an, said the chal­lenge is a “hard” but not “not impos­si­ble” one. He needs to get more than 113,000 sig­na­tures from non-pri­ma­ry vot­ers by May 13. His oth­er option is to be a write-in can­di­date.
“This isn’t about me, ‘Lit­er­al­ly Any­body Else,’ more so as it is an idea. We can do bet­ter out of 300 mil­lion peo­ple for pres­i­dent,” he said. Else added he would …