‘Reach­er’ Star Says He Was Sex­u­al­ly Assault­ed As A Mod­el, End­ed Sui­cide Attempt After A Vision Of His Kids

‘Reacher’ Star Says He Was Sexually Assaulted As A Model, Ended Suicide Attempt After A Vision Of His Kids

“Reach­er” star Alan Ritch­son said he was sex­u­al­ly assault­ed as a mod­el, and after the alleged attack occurred, he quit the busi­ness for good and “act­ing” found him.
In a lengthy inter­view for The Hol­ly­wood Reporter, the 41-year-old actor talked about the ear­ly days of his career as a mod­el, com­par­ing the indus­try to noth­ing but “legal­ized sex traf­fick­ing.”
“The indus­try is not reg­u­lat­ed, and it’s a wide­ly known secret that if you’re hired on a job, you’re basi­cal­ly being passed off to a pho­tog­ra­ph­er to be traf­ficked,” Ritch­son said.
“The num­ber of times and sit­u­a­tions where I was put in hor­rif­ic envi­ron­ments where sex­u­al abuse was the goal and the pay­check that you were des­per­ate for in order to sur­vive was the car­rot, I can’t count on two hands,” he added. “It was quit …