Ted Cruz says Democ­rats con­sid­er him ‘No. 1 tar­get’ as blue mon­ey and immi­grants flood Texas

Ted Cruz says Democrats consider him ‘No. 1 target’ as blue money and immigrants flood Texas

Sen. Ted Cruz (R‑TX) sug­gest­ed the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is allow­ing the bor­der cri­sis to con­tin­ue in the hopes that the immi­grants become “future Demo­c­rat vot­ers.”
Cruz appeared on Fox News’s Han­ni­ty on Wednes­day to com­ment on Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign efforts in Texas. A Demo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­date hasn’t won the state since 1976, when Jim­my Carter was elect­ed for a sin­gle term.
“Let’s be clear: The 10.4 mil­lion ille­gal immi­grants that Joe Biden and the Democ­rats have let in — have delib­er­ate­ly let in — they’re let­ting them in because they view them as future Demo­c­rat vot­ers. They hope as many of them as pos­si­ble will vote ille­gal­ly right now,” Cruz said. “They want them to stay in Texas — they want them to be in Flori­da — because they want to flip our states. Look, if they bring a mil­lion ille­gal immi­grants into Texas, and they …