Who Wants to Be House Speak­er?

Mel Brooks said it’s good to be the king — but is it good to be speak­er of the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives?
You’re the most pow­er­ful leg­is­la­tor in Con­gress, if not the world, and just two heart­beats away from being pres­i­dent.
If you’re a Repub­li­can, though, your task is thank­less and pos­si­bly hope­less.
It looks that way for Speak­er Mike John­son right now.
With the barest Repub­li­can major­i­ty in the House, anoth­er res­ig­na­tion or sud­den death could throw con­trol of the cham­ber to the Democ­rats …