Impris­oned Real­i­ty Star Todd Chris­ley Slan­dered Geor­gia Rev­enue Agent, Must Pay Her $755,000, Jury Finds

Imprisoned Reality Star Todd Chrisley Slandered Georgia Revenue Agent, Must Pay Her 5,000, Jury Finds

For­mer real­i­ty TV star Todd Chris­ley – who is already in prison for finan­cial crimes – was just ordered by a fed­er­al jury to pay a Geor­gia Depart­ment of Rev­enue (GDOR) agent hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars for defama­tion.
DOR inves­ti­ga­tor Amy Doher­ty-Heinze claimed in court doc­u­ments that Chris­ley “began a social media cam­paign against the GDOR and cer­tain of its employ­ees, con­tend­ing that the inves­ti­ga­tion was ille­gal and improp­er­ly moti­vat­ed,” accord­ing to doc­u­ments obtained by WSB-TV. Chris­ley “began attack­ing” the agent, “accus­ing her of a mul­ti­tude of crimes and wrong­do­ing.”
On Thurs­day, a fed­er­al jury deter­mined Chris­ley was respon­si­ble for libel­ing and slan­der­ing Doherty‑H …