For­mer Maine Gov. Joe Bren­nan dies at 89

Former Maine Gov. Joe Brennan dies at 89

For­mer Maine Gov. Joe Bren­nan died Fri­day evening at his home in Port­land, Maine, at the age of 89.
Brennan’s career in pub­lic ser­vice spanned parts of six decades, begin­ning in 1965. After stints in both hous­es of the state leg­is­la­ture and a brief peri­od as a dis­trict attor­ney, the Maine Demo­c­rat served as the state attor­ney gen­er­al before win­ning guber­na­to­r­i­al elec­tions in 1978 and 1982.
Fol­low­ing his tenure in the governor’s man­sion, Bren­nan won the elec­tion to rep­re­sent Maine’s 1st Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict in 1986 and served two terms in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. After an unsuc­cess­ful run to return to the gov­er­nor­ship in 1990, he spent more than 13 years as a com­mis­sion­er on the Fed­er­al Mar­itime Com­mis­sion, earn­ing nom­i­na­tions from Pres­i­dents Bill Clin­ton and George W. Bush.

Gov. Joseph Bren­nan (D‑ME), left, enjoys a laugh with Sen …