Brad Wil­son releas­es ‘Full Throt­tle’ Sen­ate race ad cri­tiquing Biden and ‘RINO’ Repub­li­cans

Brad Wilson releases ‘Full Throttle’ Senate race ad critiquing Biden and ‘RINO’ Republicans

For­mer Utah House Speak­er Brad Wil­son has no plans to hit the brakes on his run for Sen­ate as he has released a new ad to cri­tique Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and even some Repub­li­can law­mak­ers.
The new ad, titled “Full Throt­tle,” fea­tures Wil­son dri­ving a red 1966 Chevro­let on a high­way while speed­ing past a blue 1967 Corvette with a Biden license plate, a ref­er­ence to Biden’s per­son­al vehi­cle being a ’67 Corvette. The ad also specif­i­cal­ly bash­es “RINO” Repub­li­cans, an acronym mean­ing “Repub­li­can in name only.”
“He’ll take on Joe Biden’s agen­da, full throt­tle, and leave the cow­ard­ly RINOs who appease him in the dust,” the ad’s nar­ra­tor says.

Utahns are ready to shift gears from Joe Biden’s failed agen­da and send a c …