Is Ohio State teach­ing ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’?

Is Ohio State teaching ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’?

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Late last month, Amy Andryszak, the pres­i­dent and CEO of the Inter­state Nat­ur­al Gas Asso­ci­a­tion of Amer­i­ca, sent a let­ter to Gov. Michael DeWine (R‑OH) in response to see­ing The Ohio State Uni­ver­si­ty ini­tial­ly had plans to add How to Blow Up a Pipeline to its cur­ricu­lum.
The book, writ­ten by Swedish pro­fes­sor of human ecol­o­gy and cli­mate change activist Andreas Malm in 2021, advo­cates the cli­mate social jus­tice move­ment to ramp up its tac­tics “in the face of eco­log­ic …

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