NBC Hopes Biden Stu­dent Loan Bailout Will Attract Dis­af­fect­ed Youth

Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances, a new stu­dent loan bailout pro­gram would gar­ner sig­nif­i­cant evening news­cast air­time. But with Eclipse­ma­nia ongo­ing, only NBC Night­ly News made time to talk about Biden’s new schemes, and only then as a device with which to segue to the real sto­ry: that the youths are extreme­ly dis­sat­is­fied with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden.
Watch the report in its entire­ty, as aired on NBC Night­ly News on Mon­day, April 8th, 2024 (click “expand” to view tran­script):

LESTER HOLT: And for h …