Week­end Media Wrap, Vol. 38: What You Missed If You Weren’t Glued To The Sun­day Shows

Weekend Media Wrap, Vol. 38: What You Missed If You Weren’t Glued To The Sunday Shows

Every Sun­day morn­ing, lega­cy media out­lets are tak­en over by elect­ed offi­cials, aspir­ing elect­ed offi­cials, admin­is­tra­tion insid­ers, and the usu­al col­lec­tion of talk­ing heads — all of whom are there to dis­cuss spe­cif­ic poli­cies, push talk­ing points, or sim­ply pro­mote their own cam­paigns.
For those who don’t spend their Sun­day morn­ings glued to the tele­vi­sion — and their Sun­day after­noons attempt­ing to unrav­el a full week’s worth of net­work and cable news media spin — The Dai­ly Wire has com­piled a sho …