Lori Light­foot Hired At $400 An Hour To Inves­ti­gate Demo­c­rat Mayor’s Alleged Cor­rup­tion

Lori Lightfoot Hired At 0 An Hour To Investigate Democrat Mayor’s Alleged Corruption

For­mer Chica­go May­or Lori Light­foot, who after her defeat in her reelec­tion bid last year said she had been treat­ed unfair­ly because she was “a black woman in Amer­i­ca,” has been hired at a rate of $400 an hour to inves­ti­gate Dolton, Illi­nois, May­or Tiffany Henyard’s alleged cor­rup­tion.
“Lightfoot’s to-do list is long, includ­ing find­ing mil­lions in Dolton’s unpaid bills and a lav­ish vil­lage-fund­ed trip to Las Vegas for Hen­yard, a few trustees and vil­lage employ­ees last year, …