McConnell Backs Tik­Tok Crack­down: ‘One Of Beijing’s Favorite Tools’

McConnell Backs TikTok Crackdown: ‘One Of Beijing’s Favorite Tools’

Sen­ate Minor­i­ty Leader Mitch McConnell (R‑KY) called on Con­gress to pass a bill that would ban Tik­Tok unless the social media platform’s Chi­nese own­ers divest from it.
The Ken­tucky Repub­li­can pushed the bill’s pas­sage in the upper cham­ber dur­ing a floor speech on Mon­day. The leg­is­la­tion passed the House last month with broad sup­port inside both par­ties, with a final vote of 352 in favor and 65 against.
“America’s great­est strate­gic rival is threat­en­ing our secu­ri­ty right here on U.S. soil in tens of mil­lions of [Amer­i­can] homes,” McConnell said, accord­ing to Axios. …