MSNBC Inter­views Con­vict­ed Felon Michael Ave­nat­ti From Prison About Trump Tri­al

Posted in Trump
MSNBC Interviews Convicted Felon Michael Avenatti From Prison About Trump Trial

MSNBC inter­viewed incar­cer­at­ed con­vict­ed felon Michael Ave­nat­ti on Tues­day to get his thoughts about for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s forth­com­ing crim­i­nal tri­al in Man­hat­tan.
The for­mer lawyer, who is serv­ing near­ly two decades behind bars for extor­tion, fraud, obstruc­tion, and iden­ti­ty theft, said that he does not think that Trump will get a fair shake in his tri­al where he faces 34 felony counts.
“Michael, have you been in touch with D.A. Bragg’s office?” asked MSNBC’s Ari Mel­ber. “And what specif­i­cal­ly in evi­dence or log­ic do you think is wrong with this case?”
“I’m going to decline to answer as to whether I’ve been in …